Our Motto
“A Place For All of Us.”
Our Beliefs
Metro Assembly of God is a Spirit-filled church that believes that God is actively involved in our every day lives. And as a member of the Assemblies of God, we hold to the 16 Fundamental Truths. You can see our beliefs here:
Our Associations
Metro Assembly of God is a part of the Assemblies of God and the Ohio Ministry Network. You can find out more here:
Our Mission.
We exist to reach the city of Youngstown and beyond with the life changing love of Christ Jesus,
one family at a time.
Our Method.
At Metro, we are all about CONNECTING people to Christ Jesus, GROWING them in faith, SERVING our community in love, and SENDING believers out in the power and confidence of the Holy Spirit.

“Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.”
— John 12:26
By inviting them to an authentic,
life-changing, productive,
and vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ.
By developing them to become mature, passionate,
and respected pursuers of Jesus Christ.
By helping them to commit to a selfless lifestyle that Christ Jesus taught us to live; not making it about us, but keeping it all about Him.
By releasing them to go where the Lord is directing them to go.
And this includes equipping them with the resources needed
to impact others for the glory of God.